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The Publishing Life Spotlight: Episode 1

Welcome to the first of many posts showing you behind-the-scenes of what goes on at and introducing you to the friendly faces who don't just help us keep the lights on but also SHINE in their own right.

The Publishing Life Spotlight: Episode 1

The Publishing Life Spotlight: Episode 1

Welcome to a new segment of our blog where we feature the incredible human beings who make the publishing life possible for moms, dads, college students, and entrepreneurs all over the world. We hope you get to know and love them as much as we do and walk away feeling more inspired for the rest of your day, whether you’re an early bird or a night owl. 

First up and to close out the year is Yasmin!

Meet the Publishing.Com Team! Introducing Yasmin

Name: Yasmin A. 

Role: AIA Coach 

Location: UK

How long have you been with Just about 16 months 

If you could sum up with one word, what would it be? And why? 

Lifechanging! I loved my previous job, but the workplace was also quite toxic, and I could not wait to leave. I love my job with PA—I get to work from home, and I have the flexibility of working hours. The work environment (online) and the people are just fantastic, and it feels like a family. I always look forward to our team meetings and catching up with what everyone is doing. As a student, has changed my life completely. I have published 50 books and have a good passive income. I am continuing to learn and earn!!

What has been the most unexpected surprise about being part of this team? 

I personally love the flexibility of my working hours. The supportive environment the Twins have created throughout the team is awesome. Working 1:1 with different coaches and as a whole team is just incredible, and I want to do everything I can to help and support them, too.

What’s one thing you wish you could tell our students? 

I already tell my students this! If you follow the course, then this will work. Work hard, and you will see the rewards, and if I can do it, then you definitely can!

Who are your greatest mentors (in the world)? Why?

I am continuously learning from the other coaches, but of course, as a Mentor and Trainer, Coach Cody has to be at the top. I would also say Coach Brian (ads are my nemesis!) and then Coach Ed, who always brings in new and innovative lessons to help our students.

How many books have you published?

  1. 1-3
  2. 4-10
  3. 11+

What are your publishing goals? 

My first short-term goal is to reach 10k a month. Longer term goal is to reach 50k a month—that is the dream!

What personal goals has this job allowed you to go after?

I have been able to be there for my family. Whether it is hospital appointments or school graduation - In the past, I have had to rely on extended family to attend these events with my kids, and I feel guilty as I could not take time out of work! Working for is my dream job. I get to work with the most amazing coaches and learn from them, which helps me move forward with my publishing business and also makes me a better coach!

What has being part of this team meant for your family? 

My family feels grateful that I get to spend quality time with them without being stressed about my job, and especially when they need me to take them somewhere or make an arrangement, they know that if they give me enough notice, I will be able to help:)

Wanna Join the Publishing Dream Team? 

We’re always looking for team players with a great freakin’ attitude who believe in billion dollar standards and service that wows (seriously, these things are non-negotiable). Who wants to work with a bunch of jerks or people who are miserable all day? 

You can always check out our job openings here!