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The Mikkelsen Twins Reviews: Legit or Scam?

Take a trip down memory lane with us, and learn about the story of our co-founders, the Mikkelsen Twins!

The Mikkelsen Twins Reviews: Legit or Scam?
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The internet has no shortage of opinions, that’s for sure, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find even one popular song, movie, or business leader who hasn’t experienced some doubt or criticism. It’s just how it is these days. But the internet also gives us all the power to conduct our own research and make our own decisions, which is a blessing. 

This post addresses the Mikkelsen Twins reviews floating around online. It isn’t intended to make up anyone’s mind for them. That’s not how we roll! We know the publishing life isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay! There’s still plenty of room at the table for those who want to give it a try. 

The Mikkelsen Twins have made mistakes on their entrepreneurial journeys, sure, but who hasn’t? Let’s talk about it!

Who Are the Mikkelsen Twins? 

Here’s a quick look at the story of the Mikkelsen Twins and their journey to building into a legit publishing powerhouse.

The Beginning

Once upon a time, the Mikkelsen Twins were two Danish brothers who felt really lost. They tried working at a factory, they tried delivering Chinese food, and each night, they went to bed completely drained and unfulfilled. Working a dead-end job is enough to crush anyone’s spirit, so it wasn’t long before they threw in the towel and quit.

Not wanting to disappoint their parents, the Mikkelsen Twins decided that come hell or high water, they’d figure something out together. But with nothing lined up and the savings running out, they had no choice but to suck up their pride and call their parents. They felt completely defeated but knew that growth was often on the other side of fear, and they had to keep going. 

While living back at home, things started to look up. The Mikkelsen Twins dove head-first into taking college classes to prove to themselves and everyone around them that they could be successful. And they were! With a newfound focus and determination, they pulled perfect grades and aced all the tests. There was just one problem…

That feeling of, this is not what I was meant to do remained. They still felt unfulfilled, just in a different environment. They had more to be thankful for now that they had escaped the backbreaking work, but the twins still felt like they were wasting their potential. There HAD to be something else out there. 

When Everything Changed

They started seeing ads and videos about making money online, and they knew they could do it, but they just didn’t know how yet. It took tons of trial and error, some periods of self-doubt, a lot of failed side hustles, and a pinch of resilience, but they did it. 

They found more success in publishing books online than any of their previous jobs combined, but more importantly, they finally felt excited about something. It wasn’t long after they made their first million dollars together that they really ramped up their efforts to help people all over the world make life-changing income through their YouTube videos chronicling their journey. 

The Mikkelsen Twins founded Publishing Life (now in 2014 to help aspiring publishers learn how to publish and market their books without having to go through the same process of trial and error that they did. The success of this platform led them to expand their course offerings and launch Audiobook Impact Academy (now AI Publishing Academy, also known as AIA) in 2017.

Together, they also eventually published The Freedom Shortcut, which laid out their path to finding financial freedom through Amazon in a non-traditional way. 

Present Day  

The Mikkelsen Twins are both proud dads and husbands who still love learning and growing. They don’t dress in fancy clothes or own a dozen luxury cars because they’ve never cared about those things. They prefer to invest in their family and their team! 

The knowledge provided in their AIA course has collectively generated over $50 million in revenue for its students and earned a TrustPilot score of 4.8/5 stars in addition to earning a ranking of #19 on the list of the top 5,000 fastest-growing companies in America in 2023. 

Read more about their journey on Forbes and Inc.

What Were the Biggest Mistakes That the Mikkelsen Twins Made?

When Christian and Rasmus were new to the world of self-publishing, they didn’t have a mentor to look up to and get advice from. They had to figure everything out themselves by patching together whatever resources they could scrounge up online. And when it came to navigating the labyrinth of Amazon’s kindle publishing guidelines, they didn’t always get it right. 

Christian Mikkelsen is a legitimate entrepreneur. He attempted to translate his books into multiple languages to reach international readers, but the translation quality wasn’t that great, which led to his Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account being banned. Shortly after, the twins made the mistake of sharing an Audible ACX account, and Amazon’s advanced algorithm could detect it, causing Rasmus’ account to be banned, too. They both admit to these mistakes and agree the consequences were deserved. 

They now warn others about making these same mistakes and openly discuss them in their course modules. Rasmus also sat down for an exclusive interview where he went further in depth about his self-publishing blunders and how to avoid account closures. 

How Do the Mikkelsen Twins Help Everyday People Make Money Online?

The Mikkelsen Twins help people of all ages, backgrounds, and education levels make money online through self-publishing on Amazon. But more specifically, there are two primary avenues they recommend: Amazon’s KDP for paperback, hardcover, and eBooks, and ACX for audiobooks.

Although the Mikkelsen Twins work with some aspiring authors and writers, many of their students have no experience with writing, publishing, or technology. But the only skill a person really needs to become a publisher is a willingness to learn. The Mikkelsen Twins have worked with people from all walks of life, including grandparents, farmers, business owners, therapists, single moms and dads, you name it. 

Their framework for finding success with Amazon publishing can really be summed up with these two lessons: 

  1. Do what you do best and outsource the rest. 
  2. Keep the reader's experience in mind at every step of the process. 

There’s no cutting corners when it comes to making money writing a book that people will actually want to read because one of two things will happen if you publish subpar content: either your readers will leave brutally honest reviews, or Amazon will flag your account. 

The Mikkelsen Twins can say almost without a shadow of a doubt that anyone who follows their program exactly, step-by-step, has nothing to worry about. Of course, there are always exceptions and freak scenarios, but they are few and far between. 

They show everyday people how to find a profitable idea and then hire ghostwriters, editors, and graphic designers to streamline the writing and formatting process. They also walk through the book review and marketing process. With over 30 hours of video content in the course and live weekly coaching calls, there’s no guesswork or ambiguity left in the process. 

What Kinds of People Join AI Publishing Academy? 

There are generally three camps of people who join AI Publishing Academy. 

  1. Those looking for a side hustle on Amazon that takes less energy and upfront investment 
  2. Those looking for a modest income that might replace their full-time income 
  3. Those looking to scale their business into 6-to-7 figures and beyond

Within those camps, you’ll find people with multiple doctorate degrees and people who never graduated from high school. You’ll also find people who are the main caretakers for their kids and elderly parents, as well as single people who just want to travel and live their best life. There are even people who don’t speak English as their first language and people who have never heard of AI before. None of this matters with a program as comprehensive and beginner-friendly as AIA. Read our AIA reviews here.

Mikkelsen Twins Scam? No, Here Are Reviews From Students 

No, the Mikkelsen Twins are not scammers. Their countless student reviews as well as publishing resources stands as a genuine offering that delivers mentorship, assistance, and entry to an exclusive Facebook group with more than 15,000 students. On most platforms, it goes against the terms and conditions to leave reviews for businesses whose services or goods you have not purchased. Unfortunately, that same standard doesn’t apply across the internet. 

Here are some Mikkelsen Twins reviews from actual students within the community: 

To read more candid reviews, check out TrustPilot!

Launching the New Values’s #1 goal is to become the one-stop shop for all things publishing and to continue helping everyday people make meaningful streams of income online. That’s also why we recently launched our new core values in 2023. 

Let’s talk about what they really mean:

  1. Ultimate Team Player: 

The success of the team is greater than the success of any single individual. Almost every person on our team has published at least one book, and some have even found six-figure success with their own publishing careers before returning to our program as coaches. We’re here because we all want to be here.  

  1. Billion Dollar Standards:

The Mikkelsen Twins know firsthand that cutting corners doesn’t work. If we’re not proud of the work that we do, we make instant adjustments, and we hold our students to the same standards. We wouldn’t want anyone in our community to publish work they aren’t proud to share with the world, even if it’s under a pen name. 

  1. Service That Wows:

Our coaches are busy. Insanely busy. But they make the time to answer every student’s questions, day or night. Not because they have to, but because it’s the right thing to do and they want to. It’s what our students deserve. 

  1. Great Freakin’ Attitude:

No one wants to work with an egomaniac or a bully. We are hyper-protective of the culture we’ve built on this team and only work with people who love what they do. 

What’s Next for The Mikkelsen Twins and

The Mikkelsen Twins are leading the publishing revolution with a first-of-its-kind AI manuscript and customer research generator. The AI co-pilot tool is still in its early phase, but the feedback has already been affirming. 

Here’s a collection of candid thoughts from our beta testers: 

While technology is a no-brainer for younger generations, this baby boomer can attest to the fact that using was a breeze to use. Time is incredibly valuable to me at this point in my life, and using the manuscript writer gave me those extra hours back!

Absolutely mind-blowing tool for cutting off unexpected surprises from a ghostwriter, the expenses of a book creation, and time-consuming and overwhelming customer research. A must-have tool.

Having experienced Publishing.AI for the first time, it streamlined my publishing journey by assisting with niche topic ideas, customer research, book outlines, and book descriptions. All valuable steps in the book publishing arena and creating a manuscript of reasonably good quality. Anyone in this market knows if you are serious about the product you present to the world, there is still proofreading and editing required. It gets a Common Sense Factor 3 thumbs up for time-saving.

Look, I am in the AI space every day. I keep up with the latest AI news and follow any trends AI is accomplishing. Your AI Manuscript Generator is Game-Changing! There is NO ONE out there doing this. What you have here is going to flip the industry. Amazing!

The team is on track for their biggest year yet heading into 2024, and Rasmus will also be welcoming his second child!

We wish nothing but love and success to everyone and hope to see you at our strictly free webinar if self-publishing is something you’ve been curious about.

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