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How to Self-Publish a Book Successfully in 2024

Self-publish your book in 2024 with this complete guide! Learn the steps from writing to distribution, and turn your dream into a bestseller effortlessly.

How to Self-Publish a Book Successfully in 2024
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Thinking about turning your book ideas into reality? If you’ve looked into the traditional publishing route, it’s time to consider the path to self-publishing. Self-publishing offers an easier, more rewarding path that puts you in control of your publishing process from start to finish. Many people have already taken this step and achieved incredible success, and you can too. With self-publishing, you not only earn higher royalties but also maintain complete control over your work - advantages that traditional publishing can’t match. 

This blog will break down the entire process, showing you exactly how to self-publish a book. By following this guide, you can become a publisher in as little as seven days—we’ve seen it done!

Why Self-Publishing?

Self-publishing has skyrocketed in popularity over the last decade. Before, the traditional publishing process was long and tedious and required a lot of money upfront, but today, self-publishing has opened doors for people of all backgrounds, ages, and experiences. That’s why more and more are choosing this route. Here's why it's particularly exciting for you to create self-published books:

  • Financial Freedom: Unlike traditional publishers, where publishers often receive only 10-15% of book sales, self-publishers can keep up to 70% of their royalties. Imagine turning your passion for writing into a steady stream of income!
  • Creative Control: Your book, your rules. Never know the struggle of going back and forth with approvals from ghostwriters or graphic designers and arguing for the integrity of your book with stubborn publishers; you have the final say. This level of creative freedom is especially valuable for those who've spent years accumulating knowledge and experiences they want to share in their unique voice.
  • Low Entry Barrier: It’s possible to publish a book on a modest budget. With platforms like Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), you can publish your book with minimal upfront costs. It's an accessible way to start your self-publishing journey without breaking the bank.
  • Flexible Schedule: From entrepreneurs to stay-at-home moms, self-publishing allows you to work at your own pace. There are no tight deadlines or demanding timeframes—just you, your creativity, and the ability to invest in your self-publishing journey when you have the time.
  • Legacy Creation: For many of our students, especially those in their golden years, self-publishing is a beautiful way to leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

How to Self-Publish a Book Right Now

If you’re reading this blog, we’d assume you love to read, but we want you to be fully aware of all your self-publishing options. We created a free training that familiarizes you with the self-publishing process. It’s a huge confidence booster that will have you opening a Google Doc before it’s over! We'll show you the exact system our students use to publish books on Amazon and add supplemental income to their bank accounts every month. Sign up here.

Choose a Topic with Market Potential

This is a step even experienced writers get wrong. They’ll get excited to write and pick a topic they know a lot about and just go with it, but that's, for the most part, a BIG MISTAKE. In reality, you’ll want to write about something you’re passionate about AND something that has market potential. Think about your target audience—what problems can your book solve for them? What topics are trending in your genre?

Get Expert Guidance Today

Anyone can publish a book, and if that's your only goal, then this blog isn't for you. But if you want to publish a book and see success, that’s why was founded. We hold our students’ hands as they navigate a process that requires industry knowledge and pro-level strategy. That’s why we created a simple yet robust course that ensures you don’t just publish a book but publish with confidence and impact. Whether it’s you’re 1st book or 50th, sign up for our AI Publishing Academy Course and receive instant access to expert guidance. Plus, even after you hit publish, you'll receive ongoing advice on expanding your income streams.

Write a Book

Traditionally, writing a book has been a marathon, not a sprint. Depending on your schedule and the complexity of your topic, it could take several months to a year. Fortunately, self-publishing makes writing a book simpler, and with the help of AI, you can cut your time to publish even further.

When it comes to getting started, there are usually two types of people. One prefers to open a document and just start typing away, letting the words flow naturally, and the other prefers structure, so they create outlines. We won't say which way is right, but there is more uniformity in starting with an outline. It helps set the tone, and once it’s complete, it gives you the encouragement you need to write because you already know what each section will be about.

Get Started

Many writers will use AI to get a rough draft for their outline. It can be tricky to master, but try plugging in a prompt that says, “Write a book about [insert topic]. The tone of the book is [formal, humorous, encouraging, etc.]. Write it for an audience of [business professionals, parents, retirees, etc.]. The purpose of this book is to [insert your goal]. Here is some information to help you get started [include specific information you want to discuss, things that are unique to your experiences].” Let’s look at an example:

Write a book about the best spots in Hawaii. The tone of the book is casual. Write it for an audience of retirees. The purpose of this book is to showcase places to visit in Hawaii that are friendly for a 65+ community. Here is some information to help you get started:

  • Create lists of resorts that are quiet and relaxing
  • Add locations that have beautiful scenery but are easy to access
  • Include sections where I can give my personal experiences during my many visits to Hawaii.

After that, send your prompt through, copy and paste your AI-generated outline to a document, and start editing it to better suit your style and voice. Then, fill in the blanks and start writing. See all our ChatGPT writing prompts here.

AI to the Rescue

Skip all the heavy lifting and guesswork; try! Created to help you research, outline, and draft your manuscript in your very own voice. With short how-to videos leading the way, you’ll be capable of generating full books quickly and skip the cost of hiring a ghostwriter, editor, graphic designer, etc., allowing you to focus on fine-tuning your message instead of wrestling with writer’s block.

Edit and Refine Your Book

Once your draft is complete, it's time to refine your work. Editing is crucial in ensuring your book meets professional standards. Readers expect a high level of quality, and you don’t want to fall short. What approach can you use?

Pay for an Editor

Many self-publishers don’t trust their own skills or feel like AI is too advanced for them to use, so they'll often hire a professional editor. While your final product is sure to be refined, it comes with a hefty price tag, depending on the depth of editing required. 

Editors typically charge from $0.04 to $0.09 per word. With the average Non-Fiction book being between 20,000 and 60,000 words, you're looking at paying in the ballpark of $800 on the low end to $5,400 on the high end—Quite the investment!

Keep Costs Low

There's more than one way to achieve a polished book. Take a look at some budget-friendly ways to catch errors and polish your writing like a pro without paying a professional.

  • Self-Editing: Review your own work. Read it aloud to catch awkward phrasing or typos.
  • Beta Readers: Share your manuscript with trusted friends or family members for helpful feedback.
  • Use Editing Tools: Platforms like Grammarly or ProWritingAid can catch basic grammar and style issues.

AI isn't as scary as it sounds and is actually very beginner-friendly. Check out our recommended tools and tips for a professional-level polish below.

Create a Stunning Book Cover

While you're not supposed to judge a book by its cover, your potential customers certainly will, so first impressions are paramount. Your book cover needs to catch the reader's attention and hold it long enough for them to want to see more. Ultimately, a cover design can be the difference between someone clicking “buy” or scrolling past your book. Let's go over the two main options to create a book cover for Kindle.

Hire a Graphic Designer

Not to state the obvious, but there are people out there who design various graphics and images for a living. While this may cost anywhere from $100 to $2000, depending on the artist's skill, experience, and the complexity of the job, it may be worth it to hire a professional graphic designer who has a portfolio of custom, high-quality results.

Time to DIY

Don’t count yourself out if your budget is a bit leaner or you don’t want to deal with the intense communication needed to work with a designer because there are other options. We are big fans of Canva, and we showcase its usability in our course. It’s a great option for our students because they offer a free version, and their tool is so beginner-friendly that all skill levels can create graphics that truly stand out on a digital bookshelf.

Find Where to Self-Publish Your Book

With your polished manuscript and eye-catching cover ready, it's time to choose where to self-publish on. We’ll take a look at our recommendations and what companies other self-publishers are using, as well.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

We want our students to have the highest possible chance of success, so our CEOs and those within our company have chosen Amazon KDP as the platform to publish their books. Here are just a few reasons we feel Amazon KDP lives up to the hype:

  • Reach the Masses: Access millions of readers with Amazon’s global network.
  • Keep your Earnings: Depending on a few variables, you can retain up to 70% in royalties, and there are no fees for opening an account.
  • No Warehouse Needed: You don’t have to keep your own inventory since Amazon offers seamless print and eBook publishing through their site.

Other Self-Publishing Companies 

While Amazon is great, there are many other self-publishing companies. We mention a few of these in our course as a way of multiplying your streams of income once you’ve published to Amazon.

  • IngramSpark: offers print-on-demand services with high-quality printing options but can have setup and revision fees for each title.
  • Reedsy: Besides being a platform for finding freelancers, Reedsy also offers self-publishing services.
  • Barnes & Noble Press: Best for publishers targeting the U.S. market. Offers competitive royalty rates and frequent promotional opportunities.

Format & Publish Your Book

You’re almost there! Before hitting publish, it’s essential to properly format your self-published book and choose the right price point for your audience.


Formatting ensures your book looks great on any device, such as a tablet, phone, laptop, etc. Great eBook formatting can indicate to the reader how professional your book is. If quality is low and the attention to detail is lacking, then readers may not want to continue reading, which can lead to poor reviews and, ultimately, an unsuccessful book launch.

When it comes to formatting software, there are many options, and we know that can be overwhelming. That’s why we wrote a blog that explains the basics of formatting, services available, and prices so you can plan according to your budget.

Price Your Book

When setting the price of your Kindle book, you need to strike a balance between profitability and attracting readers. With so many variables, speaking with experts is the best way to price your book properly, but there are some general things that can affect the price.

  • Genre: Some genres, like romance or thrillers, tend to perform better with lower-priced eBooks, as readers often look for affordable, quick reads. On the other hand, niche non-fiction books can often command higher prices because readers view them as valuable resources.
  • Book Length: Longer books tend to be priced higher because readers expect more content for their money. However, don’t assume a higher page count automatically justifies a steep price—quality is just as important (think of the reviews).
  • Target Audience: Consider your audience’s willingness to pay. Are they bargain hunters, or do they prioritize value and expertise? For example, readers of self-help or professional guides may be more willing to pay a premium for well-researched, authoritative content.

Promote Your Book

Publishing is only half the battle, well, more like three-fourths. Once your book is live, it’s time to promote it and ensure it reaches your intended audience. The key to success lies in building awareness, engaging with potential readers, and creating buzz around your book. Everyone’s “proven book marketing strategies” are going to look different, but here are some ideas to maximize your book’s visibility and drive sales:

  • Leverage Social Media: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are essential for connecting with readers. Create a dedicated author page, share snippets of your book and behind-the-scenes writing insights, and even engage with followers through live Q&A sessions or book giveaways.
  • Build an Email Newsletter: It definitely sounds a bit intimidating, but if you’re willing to put in the extra work, email marketing is one of the most effective ways to nurture a direct connection with your audience. Start building your email list before your book launches by offering exclusive content such as sample chapters, writing tips, or updates. Once your book is available, you can send personalized emails to your subscribers, announcing the launch, offering limited-time discounts, and encouraging reviews.
  • Use Paid Ads: While it will use up some of your budget, paid advertising on platforms like Amazon, Facebook, and Google can significantly boost your book's visibility. With targeted ads, you can get in front of readers who are already interested in your genre or topic. Start with a modest budget and monitor your results to optimize ad performance. You can experiment with different ad types, such as sponsored product ads or banner ads, to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Reach out to bloggers, podcasters, or social media influencers who are relevant to your book's topic or genre. A mention, review, or interview with a well-known figure in your niche can gain you more exposure. These collaborations help build credibility and trust around you and your book.
  • Solicit Reviews: Reviews are a powerful tool that actively encourages readers to leave reviews on platforms like Amazon or Goodreads. The more positive reviews your book has, the more likely new readers are to give it a chance.

In a crowded niche, a solid promotional plan could make or break your book’s success. The more visible your book is, the better chance you have of turning it into a bestseller.

Pros and Cons of Self-Publishing Versus Traditional Publishing

There’s a time and place for everything, but overall, our founders were such fans of the autonomy that self-publishing offered that they started a whole company. So, needless to say, we feel that the pros of self-publishing outweigh the short list of cons. But we also know everyone's situation is different, so if you're a fence-sitter, take a look at our in-depth comparison of the pros and cons of self-publishing vs. traditional publishing. We dive into the details so you can make an informed decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Legal To Self-Publish A Book?

Yes, self-publishing is completely legal as long as the content is your original work. This means you have full rights to the text, images, and any other content in your book. However, be cautious about using copyrighted material without permission, even if it's just quotes or references. It's also important to be aware of potential legal issues such as libel or invasion of privacy if you're writing about real people or events. If you're unsure, it may be worth consulting with a literary attorney.

How Hard Is It To Self-Publish A Book?

It depends on how hard you make it for yourself. With all the writing tools available to you, you should be able to churn out your first book in no time. The actual difficulty lies in the quality of your work and the effort you put into marketing. Writing a good book requires dedication, skill, and often multiple revisions. The publishing process itself has been simplified by platforms like Amazon KDP, but you'll need to learn about formatting, cover design, and book descriptions. Marketing can be challenging for new publishers, requiring time and effort to build an audience and promote your work effectively.

How Much Does It Cost To Self-Publish A Book?

Costs can range from $0 to $10,000 or more. If you want a better idea of "how much it costs to self-publish," we have done the research for you. The wide range in cost depends on factors such as whether you hire professional editors, cover designers, or marketers. At the low end, you can publish for free using platforms like Amazon KDP, doing all the writing, editing, and design yourself. Mid-range costs might include professional editing and cover design, which could run from $500 to $3000. High-end self-publishing might involve multiple rounds of editing, professional marketing services, website creation, and print runs, which can easily exceed $10,000.

How Can You Publish A Book With No Money?

Bring your brain and your skills. Publish a book with no money by using free tools, good research, and Amazon KDP. This approach requires you to wear many hats. You'll need to write the book, edit it thoroughly, design your own cover (using free tools like Canva), format your book (using free software like Calibre for ebooks), and create your own marketing materials. Platforms like Draft2Digital, Smashwords, and Amazon KDP allow you to publish for free, taking a percentage of sales instead of upfront fees. However, remember that while this approach is cost-free, it requires a significant investment of time and effort to produce a professional-quality book.

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