Wondering if eBooks are profitable? Find out how to make money self-publishing as a first-time publisher and turn your eBook into a royalties!
If you’ve ever thought about writing an eBook but dismissed the idea because you’re "not a writer," you’re missing out on one of the most fulfilling ways to earn royalties online.
Self-publishing an eBook isn’t just for professional publishers anymore. The truth is that non-writers have just as much potential. The key lies in understanding the market and using proven strategies to get your eBook in front of the right people.
The world of self-publishing has exploded in the last decade, and anyone with an internet connection can turn their ideas into income. Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing have made it easier than ever to make money writing eBooks. But the question remains: Are eBooks profitable enough to try?
Yes, eBooks are profitable; in fact, selling eBooks online is free and often more profitable than physical copies. The key lies in recognizing the factors that make eBooks desirable to self-publishers and customers. Bottom line? eBooks sell! Let’s hear from a couple of our students who have found success in our recommended niches:
Results will vary, and we don’t guarantee financial outcomes. Many students don’t apply our strategies and make little to no money. Based on a 2024 survey, students who actively publish books earn an estimated average of $1,800/month in royalties. They also invest in advertising and book creation. Your results depend on effort, market conditions, and skills.
The demand for digital content has skyrocketed. Readers increasingly prefer eBooks because they’re convenient and accessible almost anywhere. Unlike traditional print books, which require physical storage and shipping, eBooks are instantly available to readers worldwide with just a few clicks. This rising demand has created an ideal environment for new publishers to break into the market quickly and affordably.
One reason eBooks are so popular is their affordability. Readers can access some of their favorite reads for less than the price of a cup of coffee. Traditional paperbacks and hardcovers often cost more to print, distribute, and ship, which limits their audience and can sometimes take away from the excitement of reading a new book instantly.
In contrast, when it comes to how much it costs to publish a book, selling eBooks is cost-effective both for the publisher and the reader. Lower costs mean more people are more likely to buy your book, directly contributing to higher eBook sales revenue for you.
Another significant advantage of self-publishing eBooks is the potential for international readership. Not all physical books are readily available in every country; eBooks, however, can be sold anywhere in the world. That is what makes eBooks so profitable. This opens up a massive market of readers from different regions. A well-placed eBook on platforms like Amazon can reach millions of potential readers far beyond your local audience. Here are a list of free places to sell your eBooks and reach a global audience.
The amount of money you can make from self-publishing eBooks varies depending on several factors, but the potential is what sets it apart from other “side hustles.” With self-publishing, you control your book's pricing, distribution, and marketing strategies. On average, eBook publishers can earn between $2 and $5 per sale, depending on the price point and platform fees. While this may not seem like much, each sale adds up!
Let’s break it down: If you price your eBook at $9.99 and sell on a platform like Amazon KDP, you can expect to keep around 70% of the sale price after Amazon’s cut. That’s about $7 per sale. Now, imagine selling 100 eBooks a month—that’s $700 in passive income. For first-time publishers, this kind of return can be life-changing. And the earnings potential is even greater for those who dial in their marketing and niche.
Different genres offer different earnings potential, and knowing where your book fits can make a huge difference. Here’s a quick overview of what you can expect:
Now that you know a bit more about self-publishing an eBook, use our calculator to estimate your earning potential when you decide to sell eBooks.
Tip: If you’re unsure about the file size, the average eBook file size is 2.6 MB.
When it comes to profitability, self-publishing your own book outshines traditional publishing. In the traditional model, publishers typically receive a small percentage of sales, around 10-15%, after their publisher takes a hefty cut.
In contrast, self-publishing offers significantly higher royalties. On platforms like Amazon KDP, which we highly recommend, publishers can earn up to 70% of their eBook sales revenue. This high royalty rate makes self-publishing the better option for publishers looking to maximize their profits. In short, publishing on Amazon KDP is very lucrative.
Something else to consider is wait times. Traditional publishing can often take months or even years for a book to go from manuscript to store shelves. Self-publishing allows you to bypass these delays and get your eBook to market quickly, so essentially, more money faster.
The good news is that self-publishing eBooks isn’t as complicated as it might seem. All you need is the right approach, and you’ll have your own eBook available to the world in no time. Here at Publishing.com, we love giving practical tips and advice to set new self-publishers up for success!
Our AIA self-publishing course or AI Publishing Academy is chalked full of information that helps first-time publishers identify tools and topics and ensure their eBooks have the greatest chance of being sold. Keep reading to get a sneak peek into just a few ways we help educate our students for success:
Finding the right niche is crucial to maximizing your eBook sales and income potential. Certain topics and genres are in high demand, while others are not so much. The key is finding a niche in the eBook market that balances demand and competition.
Pro Advice: This year, some of the most popular niches our students used to make money online were fitness, health, and finances, just to name a few. After all, we can't give away all our secrets.
One of the biggest hurdles for first-time publishers is the writing process. The introduction of new AI tools has been a game changer. You can write and edit your eBook with AI quickly and efficiently.
Taking advantage of AI tools also saves you money by eliminating the need for expensive editors while retaining a quality product. You can also use AI to create an attractive eBook cover design, which is crucial for grabbing readers’ attention.
Once your eBook is polished and ready, the next step is to publish it on reputable eBook publishing platforms to reach the largest possible audience.
Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) has already been mentioned a few times, and that’s because it's the go-to platform for self-publishing, offering publishers access to millions of readers worldwide.
IngramSpark is another excellent option. It allows you to distribute your eBook across multiple online retailers, including Apple Books, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble.
The beauty of these platforms is that they take care of distribution and payment, allowing you to focus on writing and marketing. Another huge plus is that they’re also simple to navigate, which is important whether you’re a newbie or a seasoned self-publisher.
Whoever you choose to learn from, just know that a big part of your research is finding the right people to help you on your journey. Learn more about us and our mission to see if we’re the right fit for you!
Self-publishing is a great opportunity, but there are a few pitfalls that can derail your efforts. Here are a few to keep at the forefront of your mind:
eBooks offer a remarkable opportunity for first-time publishers with minimal upfront costs.
Ready to take the leap and start publishing eBooks? Sign up for our video introduction and larn more!