The Publishing Life Spotlight: Episode 4

Every team needs a Dan!

The Publishing Life Spotlight: Episode 4
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Welcome to our favorite segment of our blog, where we feature the stories of the people who bring the vision to life! We know you’ll love them as much as we do, and hope this daily dose of inspiration makes your week a little brighter. Today, it’s all about Mr. Dan!

If our team had a cheerleader, it would be Dan. He’s already won a handful of our spirit awards in the 2 years he’s been with us, and he’s one of the best dads around. 

Meet the Publishing.Com Team! Introducing Dan

Name: Dan 

Role: VIP Support Specialist 

Location: France 

How long have you been with 2 years, 3 months, and counting 

If you could sum up with one word, what would it be? And why? 

The greatest. It’s just the greatest company to work for! Everyone cares about what they do and puts in the hard work needed every single day to constantly help people change their lives for the better!

What has been the most unexpected surprise about being part of this team? 

There's never a shortage of colleagues willing to help when you need it. Everybody works together for the greater good and enthusiastically as well! 

What’s one thing you wish you could tell our students? 

We TRULY are here to help and want to help!!

Who are your greatest mentors (in the world)? Why?

Churchill, the Support Manager here at! He always has some helpful guidance to share with everyone and does so with a smile on his face! 

How many books have you published?

  1. 1-3
  2. 4-10
  3. 11+

What are your publishing goals? 

To bring in $5K - $10K a month. I want to make over 100K a year.

What personal goals has this job allowed you to go after? 

This job has allowed me to move halfway across the world, and I've had SO MUCH support to quit smoking cigarettes after smoking for 21+ years! I am now 2 and a half months cigarette-free!

What has being part of this team meant for your family? 

I've had job after job in the past that made me miserable in so many ways. I'm FINALLY happy to come to work every day and love where I'm at so I can give my family the upbeat version of a Dad/husband they deserve. Most companies compare themselves to being a family, but here, it couldn't be more true! Being able to move across the world and keep the same job has made the process easier than I could have hoped for! 

Work/Life Balance? You’ve Found It. 

Got kids? So do we! In fact, more than half of us are balancing spreadsheets and bedtime stories (and a couple of us could practically start our own basketball teams). 

Ever wondered what it’s like to work somewhere that actually encourages you to log off and play with your kids? We’re that place.

You can always check out our job openings here!

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